2º FIME – Festival Internacional de Música Experimental

Videos, posters, programme and website for the second edition of International Experimental Music Festival, organized by Ibrasotope. Award-winning work at the 12ª Bienal Brasileira de Design Gráfico da ADG.

2º FIME – Festival Internacional de Música Experimental

Ibrasotope is a hub focused on producing and propagating experimental music, and is active since 2007. In July 2016, they organized the second edition of FIME – International Experimental Music Festival, with 27 artists from 13 countries and a 15-day schedule spread over several cultural centers in the city of Sao Paulo. In this second edition, the festival had as a central aspect of its schedule the idea of limit, with its multiplicity of interpretations and meanings.

Because the informations of the event would be largely spread online, we chose to create videos that conveyed the idea that some limit is about to be transposed. Using wood, ice, sand, candle, brick and other artifacts, we constructed three scenes that explore this tension. For the printed posters, we used photographs of the climax of each scene. The soundtrack of the videos was composed by Natacha Maurer and Mário Del Nunzio, producers of Ibrasotope.

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