Hello! We are Daó, a Brazilian design studio that unites strategy, curiosity and critical vision.

Founded by Giovani Castelucci and Guilherme Vieira, since 2014 we have created projects for cultural institutions, collectives, museums, publishing houses, small businesses and other companies and initiatives.

We believe that our design practice is very much related to our personal interests. Usually what we are reading, watching or subjects and curiosities that we research are reflected in the results of the works we create. Carefully observing the world we live in provides a plural and multidisciplinary approach to our activity.

During the research and immersion process, we like to have long conversations with those who invited us to work. This dialogue helps us understand the specifics of the project and prepare the ground for further steps. We also talk a lot among ourselves and with whom we invite to work together – we tend to do a lot of partnerships. We believe that these exchanges make ideas gain substance.

We also believe in the potential of making and, as artisans, we see our tools and processes as an important part of our work. We seek to be aware of our practical choices in our professional routine, and we always share procedures, worksheets, tools and resources with other professionals.

For us, design is fed by everything around us and enables us to learn and build bridges.

Giovani Castelucci

Mestrando em Design pela FAUUSP e pós-graduado em Design Gráfico e a Cidade pela Escola da Cidade, escreve sobre criatividade e leciona gestão financeira no contexto criativo. Natural de Ribeirão Pires, hoje mora em São Paulo – onde praticamente só se locomove de bicicleta.

Guilherme Vieira

Technician in Graphic Arts and Bachelor in Graphic Design with emphasis in Typography, he is a designer and graphic and computational artist. In his personal work he explores the aesthetic possibilities of the intersection of digital and analogue tools.

Already collaborated with us

Alcides Rodrigues, Amanda Lobos, Amanda Piva, Andrea Kulpas, Andressa Dantas, Brunno Felype, Bruno Brito, Caluã Pataca, Camila Catto, Carolina Carrillo, Dandara Lima, Dani Castelucci, danirampe, Dnego Justino, Elisa Pessôa, Felipe de Oliveira, Felipe Vieira, Fernanda Peralta, Fernando Eduardo, Flora Milanez, Gabriel Finotti, Gabriela Momberg, Gabriela Pires, Giovana Tak, Giulia Fagundes (2017—2021), Guilherme Picchetti, Henrique Vieira, Isaac Neto, João Livra, Juh Barbosa, Juliana Briani, Kel, Lari Constantino, Laryssa Ramos, Linus Vieira Tsai, Luis Matuto, Luiza Maximo, Maria Cau Levy, Mariana Abasolo, Milena Nallin, Naira Mattia, Paty Wolff, Pedro Veneziano, Raquel Santos, Regys Lima, Ricardo Lisboa, Rodrigo Corrêa, Stefano Maccarini, Tainá Simões, Thabata Arruda, Thainá Miguel, Tiago Araújo, Valquíria Palma, Vânia Medeiros e Warren Tandy.

Workshops and lectures

Palestra “Além do design: o que orbita a nossa prática” no curso Decodificando Identidades ministrado por Giulia Fagundes na Aprender Design

Oficina “Bauhaus e o design de cartaz” no Museu da Imigração

Oficina “Cartazes Prescritos” no estúdio Daó

Visita aberta no Daó

Palestra “Além do design: o que orbita a nossa prática” no Senac São Paulo

Oficina “Cartazes Prescritos” na SupLab (RJ)

Oficina “Cartazes Prescritos” para designers do Sesc São Paulo

Oficina “Cartazes Prescritos” no estúdio Daó

Visita aberta no Daó

Palestra na ETEC José Rocha Mendes

Lecture “Design for Exhibitions” in the design course at FAU-USP

Lecture “Design and Creative Processes” at the XVI Mackenzie Communication and Letters Meeting

Open conversation at UniFil's Expanded Graphic Design Week

Workshop “Prescribed Posters” at Sesc Santana

Oficina “Cartazes Prescritos” na ETEC José Rocha Mendes

Portfolio review at Espaço.cc

Workshop “Prescribed Posters” at the event Desenha 1

Conference “Creative Economy: challenges and practices” at the Desenha 1 event

Chat and work review at EBAC

Lecture at ETEC Carlos de Campos

Lecture “Typography as a means to explore ideas” at DiaTipo São Paulo

Workshop “Prescribed Posters” at Senac Inspira event

Chat at the “Duas Colheres” event

Lecture “Projects and Processes” at Mackenzie’s XV Viver Metrópole Week

Lecture at ETEC Carapicuíba



This website was built on WordPress e publicado em 16/08/2023. A última atualização foi em 27/08/2024. Os retratos do estúdio são de Stefano Maccarini (project photos are credited on their respective pages). The texts were translated into English by Dani Castelucci and Warren Tandy. The typeface used is Mori.