96 distritos da cidade de São Paulo em ordem alfabética

Self-initiated poster that alphabetically organizes the design of all districts in São Paulo.

96 distritos da cidade de São Paulo em ordem alfabética

  • Categories
  • Client
  • Year 2020
  • Place Sao Paulo, Brazil
    • Team Giovani Castelucci and Guilherme Vieira
    • Printshop Gráfica Cinelândia
  • Photos Milena Nallin

Cangaíba is right next to Capão Redondo. Parelheiros is north of Vila Guilherme. Moóca is situated by Morumbi. These are some statements that we can make taking into account this poster that reorganized all 96 districts of Sao Paulo city in alphabetical order.

More than an exercise for cataloging the formats of each district in the municipality, this reorganization allows us to imagine new journeys around the city. If the territory is where we live and where we move, what happens when this displacement is, above all, semantic?

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