Meu Cabelo Natural

Visual identity for a store specialized in natural hair and skin products.

Meu Cabelo Natural

  • Categories
  • Client Meu Cabelo Natural
  • Year 2021
  • Place Sao Paulo, Brazil

Meu Cabelo Natural is a democratic space for affordable natural cosmetics aimed mainly at black women. The store is the first specialized in no and low poo products in Brazil, and sells natural products for skin and hair. The space has a salon aimed at people with wavy, curly and frizzy hair.

In the initial phase of the project, dedicated to research and strategy, we created the essence of the brand, with guidelines that guide its communication and the creation of its visual identity. It was evident that the company is characterized by the care dedicated to the people who interact with the brand, by the awareness of the benefits of natural cosmetics aimed at black women and by the alternative it offers to traditional products.

After validating the strategy with the company, we moved on to creating the visual identity. To translate the attributes of lightness, welcoming and contemporary, we created a predominantly typographic identity, starting from a font whose curves dialogue with the types of hair the brand is aimed at.

The alternative letters provide authenticity to the set, and the M created especially for the brand summarizes its characteristics and has the potential to function as an avatar and symbol in various applications. The combination of colors and graphics created place the brand within the universe of natural products in a contemporary context.

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