Casta: as origens de nosso mal estar

Cover of Isabel Wilkerson's book showing points of contact between North American slavery, German Nazism and caste systems in India.

Casta: as origens de nosso mal estar

  • Categories
  • Client Companhia das Letras
  • Year 2021
  • Place Brasil

In this international bestseller, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Isabel Wilkerson compares the United States, India and Nazi Germany, revealing how our world was shaped by the notion of caste - and how their rigid and arbitrary hierarchies still divide us today.

One of the most successful books in the United States in 2020, this is a fundamental work for the anti-racist debate in Brazil and the rest of the world.

The cover features a photograph of the "March on Washington for Work and Freedom", a demonstration that took place in the city of Washington in 1963, where Martin Luther King gave his famous speech "I have a dream". Depicted on the original cover of the book, the photo has a perspective that strengthens the idea of hierarchy.

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