Encontros Ameríndios

Visual identity and catalog for the exhibition held at Sesc Vila Mariana.

Encontros Ameríndios

Curated by Aristoteles Barcelos Neto and Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, the exhibition featured works by 5 indigenous people: Tahltan, Haida, Guna, Shipibo-Konibo and Huni Kuin.

Inspired by artistic productions, we sought to create a visual identity that did not try to mimic any graphics or prioritize any ethnicity. The idea was that the visual identity did not compete with the works on display.

Based on the idea of paths and their intersections, we created a graphic composed of lines that intersect throughout the entire exhibition space. We also created maps that indicate the location of the artists present.

The catalog we created follows the visual identity and presents texts and works from the exhibition.

Note: the use of the term “Amerindian” must be discussed and rethought, as stated by researcher Geni Núñez.

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