CEDRA – Center for Studies and Data on Racial Inequalities

Visual identity for the institution created by experts in data science and thinkers on racial issues.

CEDRA – Center for Studies and Data on Racial Inequalities

    • Team Giovani Castelucci, Guilherme Vieira and Kel

CEDRA is an independent and non-partisan institution, created by experts in data science and thinkers on racial issues. They came together to highlight, from official statistics – such as IBGE, MEC and Inep –, data that enable deeper analysis of racial inequality in Brazil.

In the initial phase of the project, dedicated to research and strategy, we created the essence of the brand, with guidelines that guide its communication and the creation of its visual identity. At this stage, we understand that CEDRA reflects on the data, interprets it, attributing new meanings and in-depth readings on its intersections and, with this, is able to equip people and interfere in society.

With the strategic content validated by the client, we moved on to creating the visual identity. The symbol comes from a module that, together with the others, creates a form that radiates. This set alludes to the collective nature of the initiative, as well as the desire for this information analyzed by the organization to be disseminated.

The logo's typography seeks to express solidity and the official nature of the data collected and analyzed by CEDRA, referring to brands of official Brazilian institutions. The supporting typography gives personality to the set and the titles in capital letters with a condensed font (with a smaller width than usual) refer to protest banners and posters.

The brand has two sober and discreet institutional colors for applying the logo – dark brown and light beige – which, together with other strong tones, give dynamism to the various applications that the organization needs to create with the content it produces.

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