Michael Robert Alves de Lima – Registros do Brás

Visual identity for the exhibition held at Solar da Marquesa de Santos, curated by Felipe Garofalo, Henrique Siqueira and Monica Caldiron, with photographs of the São Paulo neighborhood Brás taken in 1981.

Michael Robert Alves de Lima – Registros do Brás

    • Team Giovani Castelucci and Guilherme Vieira
    • Photos Ricardo Lisboa (Yantra Imagens)

Curated by Felipe Garofalo, Henrique Siqueira and Monica Caldiron, the Casa da Imagem museum exhibited photographs taken by the architect and photographer Michael Alves in 1981.

For almost 30 years, Michael was part of the Iconography and Museums Division team, the embryo of the Museum of the City of São Paulo, coordinating the sector responsible for safeguarding the institution's photographic collection. In the early 1980s, he produced photographic documentation whose photos were part of the exhibition "Michael Robert Alves de Lima – Registros do Brás".

The visual identity of the exhibition is inspired by the industrial scene present in the neighborhood. The royal blue – present on the walls and on the legend plates – and the bands at the base of the cream walls are visual elements arising from this context. The condensed grotesque typography in uppercase is often found on the facades of shops and factories that last until today in the region.

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