In 2023, the second edition of the program Territórios Curatoriais (meaning "curatorial territories") selected eleven curators in training, residents of peripheral regions of the city or metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro. Residents participated in courses, meetings, lectures and collective and individual mentoring. After holding a closing event in which they produced an exhibition, debates, performances and shows, the book Fractais: contra diásporas da cidade compiled texts from eleven resident curators and guest mentors.
Inspired by the ideas of displacement, collectivity and negotiation, and seeking an image that dismantled the idea of centrality, we identified on the map the neighborhoods of resident people, which became points of origin and destination for arrows that cross the Rio de Janeiro territory, having as a common location the location of MAM, where the residence took place.
The abstract paths drawn run through the entire book, whose colors come from the museum's own residency program. The layout of the material, with its expressive margins and indentations, displaces the textual and graphic content from a central occupation of the material.