Concerned with the preservation of the memory of fly-posting culture, the Museum of the City of São Paulo created in 2018 a program to occupy the Muro dos Lambes (Fly-Posting Wall) in the garden of Casa da Imagem, making it available for temporary original projects that scope and practice fly-posting and its urban communication in contemporary times.
We were invited by curators Henrique Siqueira and Monica Caldiron to create a work as part of the program and, for that, we photographed vernacular posters present in different regions of the city of São Paulo, which form a repertoire loaded with subjective indexes and propose stories of urban everyday life.
From the recording of posters such as those announcing the sale of ice cream, giving thanks to saints for blessings achieved and psychic promises to bring back the loved one, we created a composition that expands the scale of the posters found – usually the size of a sheet of sulphite found in stationery stores – , emphasizing its aesthetic value and creating a layer that alludes to the palimpsest that are the great urban centers.