#VidasNegrasImportam e libertação negra

Cover of the book by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor that redeem and discusses the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

#VidasNegrasImportam e libertação negra

  • Categories
  • Client Editora Elefante
  • Year 2020
  • Place Brasil
    • Team Giovani Castelucci, Giulia Fagundes and Guilherme Vieira
    • Photos Denise Matsumoto

Launched in 2016, the book redeems and discusses the #BlackLivesMatter movement, which emerged in 2014 in reaction to the murder of young black man Michael Brown by the police of Ferguson, in the state of Missouri.

The protests, which spread across the country and lasted until 2015, took place when the White House — “a building built by slaves in 1795”, recalls Keeanga — was occupied by the first black president of the United States. The demonstrations were against the idea, then defended by many, that the country was finally overcoming racism.

The cover features illustrations of different black people along with abstract cutouts.

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