Jacobin Brasil – Issue 6

New graphic design, art direction and layout of the magazine that proposes a socialist perspective on politics, economy and culture.

Jacobin Brasil – Issue 6

  • Categories
  • Client Autonomia Literária
  • Year 2023
  • Place Brasil

Jacobin magazine is a prominent voice of the radical left in the world and since 2019 it has been operating in Brazil contributing to a socialist perspective in politics, economy and culture. Under new editorial management, the magazine also sought to update its graphic design. In addition to creating the new project, we were also responsible for ordering the illustrations for the publication's special articles, contacting and explaining to each professional what the article to be illustrated was about.

As highlights of the new project, we chose a predominant color for each edition of the magazine, the special articles have a specific background color throughout the entire text – which makes them stand out from the rest of the publication – and three typographies created by Latin Americans were used: Archivo (Héctor Gatti / Omnibus-Type), Vinila (Flora de Carvalho / Plau) and Silva Text (Daniel Sabino / Blackletra).

The layout of the magazine was on behalf of the Drama studio, and the edition featured texts by Adriana Erthal Abdenur, Ailton Krenak, Beatriz Caminha, Breno Altman, Bruna Pereira, Cristina Cavalcante, Daniel Santini, Daniel Santini, Daniela Mussi, Derê Gomes, Fábio Felix, Felipe Freitas, Fernanda Lima da Silva, Gabriel Lazzari, Gercyane Oliveira, Ian Viana, João Telesforo, Juliane Furno, Lucas Gesser, Marcos Queiroz, Maria Carlotto, Marília Closs, Mayara Vivian, Paíque Santarém, Pedro Abelin, Pedro Barbosa, Rafael Costa, Rafael Grohmann, Rayane Andrade, Rodrigo Nunes, Rosa Amorim, Sérgio Silva, Talita São Thiago Tanscheit, Vinicius Januzzi and Vladimir Safatle.

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